January, 2024


1h 16m



🎆 Game beaten! 🎆
👤 Character: Nameless The Ancient
Time Taken: 76 minutes
💀 Deaths: 01
🪙 1CC (I got this on my second try!)

I've beaten the game using the unlocked character, Nameless The Ancient. He is slow, but he has 90 HP. Initially, he uses 3 vine melee attack and has a decent firerate. But it gets better when I buy a shuriken, and then Ivoker Bow w/ a minimum of level 5 power.

There are ten stages to beat. There is no end credits (staff credits only shown on title screen at the bottom left), and the game loops infinitely. Once you defeated the dragon, you won the game. The second loop is really nothing other than lazy enemy HP increase. You're not missing too much on second loop so feel free to lose. Sure there is online leaderboards for score, but the game I found is super easy and super boring.

Final Score: 384,680

Grinding the remaining achievements.

Started / Finished

December, 2023


2h 31m


Spy Bros. mode beaten

When I first load up the game while offline, I thought it was a game crashing bug. But no, it's always-online due to Steam client requirement, whether it's intended or just bugged. Boo! Bloody hidden DRM despite no warning on game's page. Why can't we play it offline like we had with the Switch version? Why the developers and publishers not aware of this Steam client related issue? This sucks.

I'll attempt to do 1CC later. I'm currently playing Spy Sis. mode.

On hiatus
